ZLASIK is the most advanced laser correction plataform at present time in the World. Its designed for the correction of Myopia, Astigmatism and Hyperopia.
Its known as the 100% laser correction or NO BLADE LASIK, where the first part of the treatment, in which you create a flap, you use a femto laser instead of a microkeratome.
The diffrence with Standard LASIK is that in this treatment option a microkeratome is used instead of a LASER for the creation of Flap.
Although Standard LASIK has been the treatment of Choice for many years and still is the treatment of choice in South America and the Middle East, ZLASIK (blade free) treatment has gain more popularity in North America and Europe.
After the flap is created with the precise technology of the femto laser (Blade free) or the microkeratome (Standard LASIK).
Custom Vue Technolgy laser is applied to the cornea for a personalizad and precise correction of your visual problem.
Its important to know that at Perfect Vision, both Technologies, ZLASIK or Standard LASIK are performed with the Custom Vue Plataform, which is a modern technology for laser ablation. Custom Vue means,that every eye is tretaed as an individual visual system. Different patients can have the same presrciption, but every eye is particular. Every eye has its own finger print and the custom vue system takes this in consideration. So every patient is treated according to his personal prescription and his personal shape of the eye. Treatment is done in less than 12 minutes and recovery in less than 5 hours.
The final result is an outstanding quality of vision and you should be able to perform your usual activities next day alter treatment.