In this procedure, the idea is to target one eye for far distance vision and the other eye for short distance vision.
Many patients are good candidates for this procedure and they tolerate and adapt very good to this procedure.
You can achieve MONOVISION either with LASIK correction or Intraocular lens implant alter Cataract Surgery.
Once the patient adapts to this vision, he or she, should be aible to see fine for and near without glasses.
In general, LASIK MONOVISION is performed in patients between 45 and 60 years old that have far distance problems and are seeking for LASIK correction.
Intraocular Lens Monovision is performed in patients older than 60 and that have already a cataract or will soon develop one.
This are Intraocular lenses designed to achieve far and near vision.
This lenses are inserted within the eye after a cataract procedure or sometimes after a clear lens extraction. This means that if you want to have far and near vision and no cataract has developed, you can have the intraocular lens inserted, long before developing cataract. This way you will never develop a cataract and enjoy the benefits of this intraocular lens at a younger age.