ZLASIK is the most advanced laser correction plataform at present time in the World. Its designed for the correction of Myopia, Astigmatism and Hyperopia.
ZLASIK is the most advanced laser correction plataform at present time in the World. Its designed for the correction of Myopia, Astigmatism and Hyperopia.
Treatment is performed under topical anesthesia drops. Cataract is removed with microincision and phacoemulsification in 10 to 20 minutes and a Intraocular Lens is implanted inside the eye.
In this procedure, first the Cornea is analysed with an anterior segment tomography. The idea is to analize the keratoconic Cornea in different planes and dimensions. Then a treatment is designed with a specific nomogram to insert Corneal Rings within the Cornea.
This treatment is developed by Prof. Theo Zeller, where the cornea with keratoconus and ectasia is subjected to a bath of riboflavin under the effect of ultraviolet light in order to fortalezer weakened cornea and deformation process.
In this procedure, the idea is to target one eye for far distance vision and the other eye for short distance vision.
The laser is a very bright, finely focused light. It passes through the clear cornea, lens and vitreous without affecting them in any way. Laser surgery shrinks abnormal new vessels and reduces macular swelling.
This is the surgery to remove the pterygyum mass within the eye. It is removed when it has invaded the cornea and the prognosis is very good.
The most common maculopathy is age-related macular degeneration although although the majority of other maculopathies and neovascular membranes can also be treated either through intravitreal injections or vitrectomy, according to each case.