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Cataracts and intraocular premium lens

At Perfect Vision we offer the most advance technology for Cataract Surgery.

Treatment is performed under topical anesthesia drops. Cataract is removed with microincision and phacoemulsification in 10 to 20 minutes and a Intraocular Lens is implanted inside the eye.

  • Its pain free and recovery is fast in less than 12 hours.
  • The objective is to obtain the best visual performance without glasses after surgery.
  • There are different types of intraocular lenses available. Each intraocular lens is designed to solve a particular visual problem.
  • This are the PREMIUM Intraocular Lenses.

If patient was able to see fine at distance before cataract developed a Standard Premium lens will allow patient to see without glasses after surgery far and intermediate. Only reading glasses will be needed for close vision.

If Patient suffered from Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism before he developed cataract and use to wear glasses .After the cataract procedure, with a precise Premium intraocular lens, the visual problem could be solved and patient will be able to see fine without glasses, far and intermediate.

If Patient is looking for full independence of glasses, the Premium Multifocal or Acomodative intraocular lens is the best Choice. This type of Premium Lenses will allow patient to see far, intermediate and near without glasses.

At Perfect Vision we work with the following Premium Lenses, all of them particularly designed to fulfill your visual demand after cataract surgery:

  • ALCON IQ ASPHERIC for far and intermediate.
  • BAUSCH AND LOMB AKREOS for far and intermediate.
  • CARL ZEISS ASPHERIC for far and intermediate.
  • ALCON IQ TORIC for correction of Astigmatism.
  • ALCON IQ RESTOR Multifocal Intraocular Lens for far and near vision.
  • ALCON IQ RESTOR TORIC for correction of Astigmatism, far and near vision.
  • CRYSTALENS ACOMODATIVE for correction of far and near vision.

Remember that Cataract Surgery can be a friendly procedure with excellent results. The idea is to give you the best vision possible without glasses alter surgery.

A good evaluation needs to be done, to see whats the best option for yourself.